I'm starting to write this blog somewhat later in the day than I'd intended, but at least this means that the sounds of fireworks have finally calmed down!
Anyway, as I mentioned in my last update, I have recently been to Bakewell Wool Gathering. This was followed very quickly by Ring-a-Rosie celebrating 22 years of supplying smooshy, yarny goodness. So this post is about those events, and will take a different format than usual. For those of you who only come along for the penguins, there will still be penguins!
Bakewell Wool Gathering 2018
Other than failing to complete my Hazy Daze shawl on time, I did do one little bit of preparation for the event:
When I did finally arrive safely in Bakewell, it was from a different direction than usual, which lead to me parking in a different carpark. This car park had only 1 working ticket machine, and even that would only accept exact change, despite claiming to accept credit cards. Fortunately, I did have exact change, having considered that this might be easier. Unfortunately the person in front of me only had her credit card, and the machine wasn't telling her why it wasn't working, it was just cancelling her transaction. Repeatedly. There are no seats near carpark ticket machines, and I desperately needed to not be standing, but just as I'd arrived the wind had picked up, and the heavens opened, so sitting on the ground was seriously an "Only if I can't stay upright a second longer" option.
Eventually someone from inside came and explained about the credit cards not working, I bought my ticket with cash, limped back to the car to display it, limped back through the rain to the parking meter, where I stuck a note telling future customers that it would only accept cash, then limped in to the Wool Gathering. Fortunately I was late enough by then that I didn't have to queue long, because the cold, wet floor was looking increasingly tempting!
As I received my wrist band, Krissy and her daughter came past on their way out. They had already done a full circuit, and were going for a rest. I was barely capable of coherent speech by then, I think I may have grunted at them vaguely (sorry Krissy!), before I stumbled into the event, and promptly collapsed on the first bit of dry floor that I found. For this reason, my first 15 minutes at Bakewell Wool Gathering this year looked like this:
Occasionally there were people walking past me, many of them looking at me somewhat strangely, but I'm quite accustomed to that now.
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It was quite busy, even though I got there late! This is the back room, which was hot enough to bring on pre-syncopy! |
After a short rest, I was able to drag myself to my feet, and begin a slow circuit. When I first began attending yarn and fibre events, I used to do a quick full circuit buying only things that I felt I couldn't live without, then a second circuit to take a closer look at anything else that had caught my eye. I know that these days I'm unlikely to make it to a second circuit, so with only 1 exception, everything was bought in the order that I first encountered it.
Unless I'm specifically after new needles, the first stall I always stop at is Rosie's Moments. Not just for the gorgeous colourways, and cute accessories, but also because she has the best bargain bin in the whole place! She always has a huge basket of lonely skeins that have been discounted, either because the colourway, or base, has been discontinued, or because they've lost their tags, and she can't be totally sure what they are any more. I think that at least one of these was in there for being mis-labelled, as both were labelled with the same colourway name: "Stormy Sunset". Clearly they are not both the same colourway! Both are merino sock yarns, the one with splashes of pink is also sparkly.
I also bought a set of 3 button badges that I've pinned to my bag. They say "Yarn Addict" (guilty as charged) "Eat, Sleep. Knit", and "Knitting is cheaper than therapy" which might be true when the NHS is sold off to American profit-mongers after Brexit, but with the amount that I spend on my hobby, as a percentage of my income, I don't think this is currently true!
The project bag is the only thing that I came back for. Because the Rosie's Moments stall is fairly near the entrance, I was able to come past it a second time on my way out. I'd checked out a few other stalls that I thought might have nice project bags, but none of them appealed to me as much as this one. I couldn't get close to it on my first visit, because the stall was just too busy, but on the way back I managed to sneak in. I think I was lucky, because this was the last bag in that fabric, and I saw someone else looking at it as I approached, but she put it back, perhaps because the price tag had fallen off, or perhaps she decided against acid green. Her loss, my win!
These are all mini skeins, and they have no tags or bands on them, so I've had to research the colourway names. On the left is "Thunderous", on the right is "Joker", but sadly I can't find anything similar enough to be confident of the colourway name for the one in the middle. They were bought from HeyJay, who had some really lovely, bright colourways, and they are destined to be part of my mitred squares blanket.
I think that these are my favourite purchases of the day. I know that Dominey wanted to steal the one on the left! Which doesn't surprise me, teal is her signature colour. But that skein in particular called to me from across a very crowded room! Neither my camera, nor my pitiful photography skills, can do justice to either of these skeins, but the teal in particular just glows! I was literally on the verge of passing out as I fought my way towards the Coastal Colours stall, they were situated in the back room, which is always very crowded, and very hot, as you can see from the photo I took as I went in! Fortunately these guys had a chair that they let me sit on while I clutched my prize to me, and talked about dogs with other customers until I felt steady enough to finally pay for my yarn, and escape the room.
I'm not sure if the tags attached indicate colourway names, or colour blends that have been used in their production, but they are the only nomenclature that I have to go on, so the skein on the left is merino, silk, and yak 4-ply, in the colouway "Lily-Iris", and the skein on the right is merino, silk, and yak laceweight, in the colourway "Tomato-Avocado".
Back in the main room, but working my way down the other side, I found All Wool that Ends Wool, who I saw for the first time last year. I had decided that what I really needed at that point was an obnoxiously loud DK that I could make a winter hat from. This colourway is called "Circus", and it definitely fits the bill! I can't find a name for the mini skein, but I'm sure you already know that it's destined to be a part of the mitred squares blanket.
Finally, right next to the door on the way out, I spotted these gorgeous fellows on the Cat Designz stall (warning! If you click that link, be prepared for adult language!) I may never actually use them as buttons, but you understand entirely why I had to have them, right?
Although my tour of the event itself had been rather short, by this point my body had definitely had enough of standing, and walking. Fortunately it had also stopped raining. So I hobbled into town to find lunch, and more importantly, a drink so that I could take my medications, and found Krissy and her daughter also heading for lunch. Krissy kindly offered me a bottle of water that she had with her, so we stopped for a rest by the river while I gratefully took my handful of tablets.
We then headed to the little Bavarian cafe in town, where I had a gluten free frankfurter. Then I went to the Original Bakewell Pudding shop, to buy an entirely not original Bakewell tart with icing and a cherry on the top for Stephen. We also popped into a marvellous little cheese and wine emporium, where I treated myself to some miniature gin liqueurs, including a cherry Bakewell flavour, and a parma violet flavour!
Krissy and her daughter then went to catch their bus home, and I headed back to the car. As the weather had improved significantly by that point, I stopped for a rest outside the event venue, and chatted to a couple of other yarnies for a bit, while working on Gemma's socks.
My total haul for the day looked like this:
Post Event Knitting
I had a little over a week between Bakewell Wool Gathering, and Ring-a-Rosie's birthday party. During that time I posted my previous blog update. I also finished 2 more projects, and cast one on.
I don't often do this. This being, get home from an event, and immediately cast on with a yarn that I've just bought. But I really wanted to see how this would knit up, plus the weather was starting to hint that Winter is Coming, so clearly I need a new hat, plus I really wanted a bit of selfish, instant gratification knitting. So before I even remembered to take a photo of this skein on it's own to record on Ravelry, I had it balled up and cast on.
The pattern is Magnolia Magnolie Hat by Christina Korber-Raith, and the yarn is All Wool that Ends Wool handdyed DK merino/nylon, in the colourway "Circus".
At this point, I feel the need to say something about the pompom. I usually make my own pompom out of yarn left over from making the hat. However, I felt that in this case the hat was quite loud enough, without adding an equally loud pompom. The current fashion in pompoms is the faux-fur tribble. So I went in search of faux-fur tribbles. I found that the prices can be quite ludicrous! Bearing in mind that I don't do Ebay (Complicated psychological issue) I found prices ranging from £4 - £22 for a single pom! In the end I decided to go for a random mixed pack of 12 different coloured tribbles for a little under £15 in total.
Of course, you know what this means, right? Yes! I have to knit a bunch more hats with tribbles on them!
Well, it just so happens that it's about this time of year when I start knitting hats for my godsons, and it also just so happens that I'd bought a copy of the Simply Knitting bumper Christmas edition (mostly because there was a quote from me in there if I'm honest), but the extra pattern book that came with it included an adorable Scandi style baby hat, that I was pretty sure I could adapt (heavily) for older children. There will be more on this subject later...
I finished these while I was up in Newcastle visiting my dad, and made sure that Gemma had them in time for winter scout camps. She was especially pleased with these, because without my knowing it, they match her new boots perfectly. I'm paranoid that she'll find them uncomfortable, because horror of horrors! there was a random knot in the yarn while I was knitting the foot of the first sock! I ranted, and swore for a while, because not only was there a knot in the yarn, it joined 2 pieces that were't at the same point in the colour repeat! So I carefully cut out the knot, pulled out more yarn until I found the colour repeat, checked that it was going in the right direction, and re-joined the yarn, hoping that the join can't be felt when Gemma is wearing the socks. I was actually tempted to knit an entire 3rd sock to be sure! I still might if Gemma finds these uncomfortable!
As usual, these are knit according to my own internal sock pattern. I have been asked to write it down, which I'd hoped to get done before I went up to Newcastle too, but my brain just hasn't been in the right place. It's a fairly simple pattern, but the most important part of it is how to adapt it for different sizes of foot, and ankle. Obviously I know how to do that, but how to phrase what I do so that someone who isn't in my brain can understand it? That's not so easy! So sorry that I've not got this done yet Becky! But I promise that I'm working on it!
The yarn for these is Ice Yarns Super Sock, and the colourway has no designation that I can find. I just call it "Purples".
Ring-a-Rosie's 22nd Birthday Party
22 might seem an odd birthday to celebrate, but like me, Barbara, who runs Ring-a-Rosie, has had a tough couple of years. In fact we first bonded because I visited the shop quite a few times while spending time with dad while Trish was in hospital, and later as he began his own treatment for cancer. At the same time, Barbara's mum was being treated for cancer. So for both of us Christmas 2016 was not exactly merry and bright, and we comforted and consoled each other, and continue to do so. Although sadly her mum lost her battle, Barbara always asks how my dad is doing whenever I pop in.
So, 20, and 21, came and went, and Barbara was not ready to celebrate. So 22 has been celebrated instead! And celebrate we certainly did! I'm used to being one of just a handful of people in the shop, often monopolising Barbara's attention as we chat. This was the shop that night:
I drank pink fizz, ate cake (I elected to suffer the consequences for the sake of birthday cake, and didn't ask if it was gluten free!) bought yarn, chatted to many lovely people, gave Barbara hugs, and hogged the only chair for a while to sit and knit.
I didn't photograph this while I was in the shop, but this is what I was working on. It's such a simple pattern, but it's perfect for showing off the glorious colours in Barbara's hand dyed yarn! So many people asked me about it during the party!
The pattern is TGV (High Speed Knitting) by Susan Ashcroft, and the yarn is Ring-a-rosie Marvellous High Twist, which is a merino based sock yarn, and the colourway is one of Barbara's many un-named, one-of-a-kind colourways.
Oh, I guess you'll want to see what I bought too!
Remember I said that I was planning on knitting hats for my godsons? I decided that given one of the tribbles is duck-egg-blue, and another is a colour that I can only describe as ASBO pink, and that these colours are favoured by my 2 gorgeous nieces, what I really needed was appropriate yarns to knit matching hats for my nieces as well as my godsons. To be honest, I didn't think that I'd be able to find such a delicate blue, and such a bright pink in the same line of yarn, but amazingly I did!
You see here Sublime Yarns Baby Cashmere Merino Silk 4-ply, in the colourways "Paddle" and "Pinkaboo". Stylecraft Bellissima in the colourways "Smoked Pearl" and "Double Denim", and of course, a selfish yarn just for me, Ring-a-rosie Stargazer, in a gorgeous one-of-a-kind mix of greens and blues.
This was a party thrown by Barbara though, and we already know how incredibly generous she is from the number of free mini-skeins that you've seen she sneaks into my bag! This party took that to another level though!
For one thing, she had invited a representative from Stylecraft, who was lovely, and helpful, and really knows her colours! Not only that though, if you bought any stylecraft yarns, you were given a tote bag full of freebies!
On top of that, as I went to say goodbye, and thanks for such a great party, I was given an amazing party bag full of goodies! Actually, Barbara went hunting to try to find one with Purple yarn in it, but I was perfectly happy with a beautiful grey colour that was right next to me! This bag contained 2 balls of Sublime Yarns Lola, 3 mini-skeins that Barbara has specially dyed for the party, patterns for 2 different cowls, or a hat, that could be made using the Lola yarn, some gingerbread people, and a herbal tea that was so lovely that I bought more as soon as I got home.
So once again Barbara, thank you so much for hosting such a lovely party! And even more for such generous party bags! You're amazing!
It's been nearly 2 weeks since the party, I've spent half of that time up north with daddy, and half back at home sleeping off a cold. I have not been idle though! I have followed up on my threat of hats for children!
These 2 are for my godsons, and have already been delivered to them, as my sister went up to visit a couple of days ago, and she took them up with her. The pattern is heavily adapted from Scandi Baby by Sophie Jordan, and the yarn is Stylecraft Bellissima, in the colourways "Smoked Pearl", and "Double Denim".
I've seen 3 photos of my youngest godson taken since I sent these up, and in every photo, he's wearing his hat. So I guess he likes it!
This is the first of the 2 hats I'm making for my nieces. How perfect is that pompom for this?!?!
I actually entirely forgot to take a picture of my progress so far on the second of these, so give me a minute while I do that...
Fortunately these are pretty quick to make. My aim is to finish this in the next couple of days, and get both hats to their new owners as soon as possible.
As above, the pattern is heavily adapted from Scandi Baby by Sophie Jordan, and for these 2 the yarn is Sublime Baby Cashmere Merino Silk 4-ply, in the colourways "Pinkaboo", and "Paddle".
The only stash that I've acquired since my last update, other than those from Bakewell, or Ring-a-rosie, has been my October KnitCrate, which included a whole booklet full of patterns this month!
Yes, the penguins section still exists, even in this unusual post.
A couple of months ago I bought Stephen a wind-up pink Tyrannosaurus Rex. We were back in the same bookshop (yes, bookshop. Where else do you buy cheap plastic tat?) a couple of weeks ago, and I spotted this guy. So Stephen bought him for me.
This wooden penguin tree decoration was also in the bookshop. He seems to have climbed on top of Stephen's books too.
I know I've not mentioned Kelly much recently. I'm afraid I've not seen much of him recently :( This is because Stephen has been ill, so I've been staying with him. Kelly is still in my life though, I still love him very much, and I think he must still like me at least a little bit, because he gave me this adorable little chap :) He's a felted brooch, and his beak is very long!
This is officially the best hair brush I've ever owned. When we saw him in the supermarket Stephen just looked at me, and I didn't even blink before I said "Of course I need that" and put him in the trolley. The penguin, not Stephen. I'm not strong enough to put Stephen in a shopping trolley.
That's everything that was in my blog notes, and it's now 5am. We have guests coming over tomorrow, so I think I'm done even if I have forgotten something! I'll be back after Nottingham Yarn Expo, and then it will be Advent, and time for my new Advent tradition of Blog About All The Advent Calendars!
Night night my dears!
Awesome yarn haul! I think your Alls Wool That Ends Wool mini-skein is called Glowsticks if that helps :-) It looks very similar to one I bought recently!